For whom & by whom
The guideline for artists’ fees is a guide for both artists and institutes. Everyone working within visual art – as an artist, museum, art platform, art initiative, or festival – can make use of the calculator, the checklist and the standard contract that are part of the guideline
Initiators of the guideline are the Kunstenbond (artists’ union), Platform Beeldende Kunst (Platform of Visual Arts), Beroepsvereniging van Beeldende Kunstenaars (Professional association of visual artists), and De Zaak Nu (lobby association for art platforms) – united in BKNL. The guideline is a joint initiative from the visual art sector, in order to arrive at fair practice in the professional contract practice between institutes and artists.
Apart from interest groups, art institutes and artists, more and more governments and cultural funds now endorse and support the guideline. The Mondriaan Fund (the public fund for visual art and cultural heritage), Stroom (the centre for visual art and architecture in The Hague), and the private Fund 21 use the guideline in their practice of application assessments. The Amsterdamse Kunstraad (Amsterdam Arts Council) also endorses the guideline, and states that it should be mandatory for every art institute working with visual artists.
The Mondriaan Fund has a temporary programme that promotes the application of the guideline. Visual art institutes in the Netherlands that use the guideline can apply for partial compensation of the fees to artists. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) has made a budget available for this.
More than 100 museums and art institutes already apply the guideline in practice